What are the normal subgroups of D3?

The normal subgroups of D_3 are \{e\} and \{e,r,r^2\} where
D_3 = \langle r,s \ | \ r^3 = s^2 = e, rs = sr^{-1} \rangle
We will prove why that is the only normal subgroup. To do that, the subgroup N of G is a normal subgroup if gNg^{-1} \subseteq N for all g\in G.

Proof. We have that \{e\}, \{e,r,r^2\}, \{e,s\}, \{e,rs\} and \{e,r^2s\} are the subgroups of D_3. We know that geg^{-1} is in all the subgroups for all g \in G. So now, we need to check the other values of the subgroups. It is easy to see that rsr^{-1} = r^2s \not \in \{e,s\}, r(rs)r^{-1} = s \not \in \{e,rs\} and r^2(rs)r^{-2} \not \in \{e,r^2s\}. So those order 2 subgroups are not normal subgroups. What is left to check is \{e,r,r^2\}, which is indeed a normal subgroup of D_3:
ere &= r \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
rrr^{-1} &= r \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
r^2rr^{-2} &= r^{2 + 1 - 2} = r \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
srs^{-1} &= srs = ssr^{-1} = r^{2} \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
rsr(rs)^{-1} &= rsrs^{-1}r^{-1} = sr^{-1}rs^{-1}r^{-1} = r^{-1} = r^{2} \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
r^2sr(r^2s)^{-1} &= rsr^{-1}rs^{-1}r^{-2} = r^{-1} = r^{2} \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
er^2e &= r^2 \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
rr^2r^{-1} &= r^2 \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
r^2r^2r^{-2} &= r^{2 + 2 - 2} = r^2 \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
sr^2s^{-1} &= sr^{-1}s^{-1} = rss^{-1} = r \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
rsr^2(rs)^{-1} &= rsr^2s^{-1}r^{-1} = rsr^2sr^{-1} = rsr^2rs = rss = r \in \{e,r,r^2\} \\ 
r^2sr^2(r^2s)^{-1} &= r^2sr^{-1}s^{-1}r^{-2} = r^2rss^{-1}r^{-2} = r^{-2} = r \in \{e,r,r^2\}\\ 
So we get that the trivial group and group of order 3 are the normal subgroups of D3.

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